It was built while preserving its history and beauty that is believed to date back to the twelfth century era. It was built by the last Crusader for the Armenian king’s daughter, Cecilia.
At the end of the eighteenth century, it was used by a US evangelical staff as a hospital. It was called, “Dr. Boys’ hospital” until the year 1945.
In the year 1990, it was restored to maintain its natural beauty and history by the artist Abdel Nasser Yassin, when it got the full unconditional attention of his Excellency, Mr. NajibMikati who assigned El-AZM &Saadeh organization to restore it one last time to become a very distinctive haven suitable for artists and their creative work. The center’s management works very hard to organize and produce all kinds of artistic and cultural events, in addition to sponsoring the activities of associations and clubs in the city.
Years of hard work has led to a direct impact on community development and dissemination of culture and methods of high-end speech dialogue to raise the level of public taste and to enhance the role and status of the city of edification and educationalists to take advantage of its cultural heritage authenticity.
The tasks in its goals as a cultural center for the Lebanese is to study and document the various aspects of cultural life in the city and to create strategies and tactics to develop and promote the talents on the artistic production level and to show the real face of the city of (El-Mina),Tripoli.